Several ...

...gel prints from a church. I rather liked that the spire came out okay.

My favourite is top right.
Top left is the first print I often take first if I think the ink is too black for me. And so top right was the second pull. There were several more pulls with different layers of colours in them.

Bottom row is a same photo enlarged in the same magazine. I did about five pulls from that initial gel transfer, but they are all different tryouts with different colours.

As you can see bottom right was the paint overpowering the actual black print of the church. The problem is a lot of these craft acrylics have a lot of white in them. And I can ‘lose’ the initial black transfer. That is what has happened here. But sometimes it makes for an interesting print. However, the following print, not shown here, I had watered down the acrylic paint (but only a little with a gentle spray with the water mister), and the black church image was very evident among the dark moody reds I had used.

It is a lot of trial and error and surprises with the coloured acrylic paints. Although I do have the initial black gel transfer on to the gel plate just about mastered (but as soon as I sound my own trumpet, the next transfer print to the gel plate goes awry reminding me the uncertainty of this method...).

Thank you for your kind comments and love.
Take care x

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