The Paddy Field Sala.... Dot, dot, dash, dash.
There will be plenty of activity on the paddy fields in southern Thailand about now. It's harvest time. The local ladies will be gathering the rice by hand. It's a great community activity amongst the locals, gradually disappearing unfortunately as the younger generations are moving away, working small family plots of land manually, rotating cattle grazing, with cultivating rice, no thank you, Bangkok & the city life beckons.
I was so lucky to live in this area for 6 years, my command of Thai not fantastic, but if all else failed a smile usually worked.
I used to stop on my way to market and photograph the rice fields, workers, the wildlife. The workers would buy their food, ( curry, soup, fried chicken, sticky rice. All Thai staples) from the morning market, bring it to the rice fields and hang the bags under the eaves of the sala, their sometimes temporary, occasionally permanent, shelters to take their breaks out of the sun.
Then I started doodling some of the local scenes, no idea what I was doing really, but they looked so flat, so I began making tiny dots & dashes to create shading, which I found very relaxing. And as I was travelling around on my motorbike I didn't need to carry many materials.
What's happened today... A lovely walk in the drizzle on Knighton heath with Bob & Lola, my new charges for the next 11 days. A dash home for someone to pick up a sofa I'm giving away. They didn't turn up or message me, which I found rather annoying. Will probably have "issues" with TV later, but if the worst comes to the worst I do have wool, pattern & a gert big pair of needles with my name on them.
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