Miss Misfire

3years 50days

Katie went to bed at 430 last night. So I expected a bad night from her. Actually, she came and snuggled in bed with me not long after I'd gone up, cuddling in as tight as she could, then slept til 430. A time she has been known to rise at anyway. We snuggled in bed for a good while longer, her watching Charlie and Lola (I do love netflix!)

We did quite a quick up and ready. She chose a top and leggings herself, then added a cream bridesmaid dress to her outfit . She had chosen monkey and glow worm to take to nursery and was stood snuggling them just outside the house. I didn't think my flash was on, but it was, and this is the result. Sooc apart from b/w conversion. I couldn't resist her eyes, even though it was totally not the intended shot.

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