The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The sweet old lady years

This is me at 55 today. I can see why s teenager described me last year as a 'sweet old lady'! Truth is, I am a savage middle aged woman. But let us not split hairs. I am alive. That's the main thing.

Great day: morning at work very un-great, owing to staff shortages. Then my weekly Thomas Hardy group at the WEA. The class had made me a surprise GF cake and the tutor brought a card.
Very touching.

Later, some of the gang from the class came back for tea and more cake. Steve had lit a fire, and we somehow squeezed about ten people into the front room, and as we all knew each other, it was comfortable. A few years ago I'd have laughed at the suggestion that my friendship group would consist mainly of people who attend WEA classes, but I'm the secretary now, and more open minded, as well as being a sweet old lady!

Steve and I are going out to the cinema this evening (I am wondering if I actually live there!) to see Vice. Last night, it was Green Book. Amazing film. Work colleagues gave me a cinema voucher.They know me well!

The necklace in the selfie is a hand crocheted affair. I bought it in the market last weekend, because the vivid blues and greens spoke of spring and summer, even in the midst of snow.

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