
By Schoenies

Worth the wake up!

Daughter P and I had a wonderful long early morning walk in the mountains at Constantia Nek. We were surrounded by such beauty and the colours of the wild flowers were stunning. It was difficult to choose a blip, but I thought this one showed the magnitude of the mountains, with the hikers in the distance.
Later this morning we visited Orms, an amazing photographic shop (nothing like it where I stay!) and I struggled with the decision of buying or not to buy a ND filter - I came away minus one but am still thinking!!!
Tonight we are going to Camps Bay - a gorgeous place next to the sea for dinner and to a show!
Thanks for all your kind comments, stars and favourites for my blips over the last few days - I haven't managed to reply to them...but with Penni as my tourist guide there's not much time!!

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