A camera for Wide Wednesday (Widwed060219)

Our last day here in Oxford and as the weather has improved we had a look over the rooftops from the top of Carfax Tower (in the extra) and a wander through the botanical gardens.  We finished up at the Radcliffe Camera, which I thought was appropriate for a photographical site :-)

We have enjoyed seeing Oxford - even thought we have probably only scratched the surface.  We definitely like the sense of hstory here, but they do seem very keen on signs prohibiting one thing or another, no cycling, no pushing your bike, don't lock it up here, no public access and so-on.  I can imagine it must be odd being a student here in what must seem lke a tourist attraction for much of the time. We live not far from Stratford so we're used to seeing tourism from the other side :-)

I'll go through your wide Wednesday entries later and star as many as I can see, I'll check them again tomorrow once we are home.  Favourites tomorrow Thursday evening (UK time)

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