Widwed - Tradition

When I saw what the theme was today I thought I'd like to blip a church as I haven't done one for a while.  I first went to St John's at Lepton where there was a ladies meeting in progress and someone had parked their car right at the front entrance making it impossible to get a decent shot.  As St Mary the Virgin at Mirfield is quite near to Lepton I went there but there was a team of people raking leaves off the grass so again it wasn't ideal.  Having got the idea of a church blip in mind as the village of Kirkheaton again isn't far I went there (another St John's) but here council workmen had dug up and cordoned off the road making it impossible to stop.  By this time I was starting to believe things were against me  so I ended up blipping what I believe is a "traditional" sort of bridge - by then it was needs must.

Thank you to steveng for hosting WidWed this month and thank you for visiting my journal.

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