Surprise Visitor

It was lovely to get up to Bella still in her bed and no smelly piles of poop. I think I have sussed it and be down before she hears too much noise ie before I get my wee!!! 

Anyway, while Mr W was learning a few new ropes from another colleague, I took Bella for a little walk - sorry - carry - around the block to get her used to the sights and sounds before she can put her furry little feet to the floor. She coped very well with only a little bit of shaking but stayed happily in my arms without wanting to get down which was great.

After a quiet afternoon at home together, I got a message from Daughter Number 2 wanting to pop round. It was perfect timing as I needed to collect Mr W from the garage as his car has gone in for its second recall!! She enjoyed some proper cuddles from Bella who actually fell asleep snuggled into her shoulder.

Then just after dinner, there was a knock at the door. It was quite late so couldn't be the meter reading pest and Mr W made me go and answer it.

To my total and utter shock, it was Samuel Squidget holding a bunch of flowers. I swore a little bit! What a beautiful surprise! He was training in Yeovil which was about half way between him in Newquay and here and as he was back there again tomorrow, he thought he might as well drive this way and come and see his new furry sister!!! It was so nice to see him and I'm glad he got to see little Bella while she was still little. She showed off her biting ears trick, scratching noses trick, jumping behind the TV stand and biting wires trick and stealing of rose petals trick and Sam was very impressed and a little bit in love.

My Babies still can't believe their Mummy has a dog (again at last)!!

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