
By AGBPhotography

Joker in the Pack

"Oh nooo it's raining again...……"

And I don't fancy getting wet, got a bit of a dodgy throat as well, so it looks like I'm trying to take photos indoors. (Wish I had my lights here, instead of in a storage box :( oh well)

I took a similar photo to this a few years ago after dropping a deck of cards on the floor and spotting the Joker poking out among the other cards. I enjoy experimenting with selective colour with varying degrees of success. This shot was created using Gimp, and I took the easy route. After tweaking the exposure and brightness of the RAW file before importing it into Gimp. I then created a duplicate layer and whilst the original layer was "invisible" I "erased" the joker. Next I "desaturated" the layer before making the original layer visible again and finally exporting it as a JPEG. :)
Check out the extras on my blog,  for some more experiments, please leave a comment there to let me know what you think.

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