An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

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Busy old day today.

I was supposed to be meeting Gill for lunch but she texted first thing to say her granddaughter was ill and she was on gran duty, so we had to postpone.  Her text arrived just as I was texting her to say I'd need to postpone as I was going to visit John in hospital, so in a strange way it all worked out.

I phoned John to check on him but his mobile was switched off so I phoned Norma and she was able to tell me that he was getting home from hospital today.  Yay!  Finally got to speak to him and although they have discovered he has an extra heart beat, the chest pain he's been experiencing is not coming from his heart.  He's to go back for further tests but at the moment it looks likely his knee op will go ahead at the end of the month.  Much relief all round.  Going to pop down and see him on Saturday and give him a row about not mentioning this chest pain till it got worse!

So, finding myself with a free afternoon, I spent it ironing.  I know how to enjoy myself!

Whilst I was indulging in my favourite household chore, C & K the plumbers were here servicing the central heating system.  Lola, the world's friendliest dog, for the first time ever, was not happy about someone being in the house.  She started off her usual friendly self then within a minute was barking at K and backing off.  Never seen her do that before!  The last time he was here she was all over him!  Had to end up putting her in the boot room as she was getting quite stressed!

The only thing we can think that could have caused this reaction is he had his dog in the van and she could maybe smell him, but usually any hint of another dog would make her very happy, so very odd!

While they were here, Lola's food delivery arrived, and then the guys with the news beds to replace the new beds we received recently that had such a minimal fault that we didn't even notice!  So we now have two brand new beds to replace the brand new beds and all is fine with them.  Phew!

Sat down to have a peaceful coffee when Lola and D arrived from the livingroom and proceeded to have a mad 15 minutes playing tug and catch.  It can be difficult to tell who enjoys this the most!  :-))

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