Eiffel Tower (s)
Spent a lovely day in Paris, we caught the metro down to the Seine and then a boat for a couple of hours. We were proper tourists and it was great too, despite the weather which was grey and a bit drizzly.
The main photo today is of the Eiffel tower with Alexander 111 bridge in front. The bridge is the most ornate of Paris's 37 bridges and was built in 1900 to commemorate the friendship between France and Russia. The gold sculptures represent the nymphs Sena (Fance) and Neva (Russia).
Extras are:
Eiffel tower for sale, l took this up near the Sacre Coeur, there were several of these sellers about but they all of a sudden bundled up their wares and disappeared - why?
Police on horses - look at all their hardware will you. No wonder the vendors made a speedy escape.
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