Happy, Happy, Happy

After finding a row of detached dwellings - all vacant - he gave one of them a closer look. All he needs to do now is speak to the Missus.

It was a foul walk this morning - very wet and windy and neither PD or I was keen on a long walk. It still took 2 towels to dry him.

By lunchtime the rain has stopped but there was still a howling gale and some of the trees round the playing fields were leaning a bit more than they were a day or two back and there was far too much movement in them all to risk a walk through the woods.

There are roadworks for a very short length on the way to The Larder but the stationary traffic was nearly half a mile long. It took 10 minutes before I was able to do a 3 point turn and take the back road to The Larder.
It was a new barista today and there was only one student chef in (and he arrived after us). Turns out that there were exams for their modules and this young chap came back as happy as Larry after passing his stage 4 (they have high hopes for him). 
After taking a shot of the table decoration we were about to leave when the student and chef started to make Snowballs with a twist I had to wait and document the process.
Take a scone and put a squirt of jam on the base, take a similar sized scone and stick them together. Then coat them in icing before coating them in desiccated coconut and setting them aside to set.

I know how good their scones taste so I can imagine how good the snowballs are - but they will take a lot of eating for sure.

After leaving  The Larder we took the monsters to go and let them have their own choice of pizzas made up for tomorrow (They are having a film night and sleepover with us).

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