This, though you may not guess it from first glance, is the new draining board. One problem with building your own kitchen is that everything actually has to be built, and we had finally got to the limit of our tolerance of the temporary draining board solution. So for the 24-36 hours it takes the glue to set, we have only half a kitchen table, but all progresss is good.
Today was so very very cold that I had to have a fire to warm my knees while searching on-line for Christmas gifts. Happily, some good gifts were found, despite the frustration of a very very cool present that was resolutely only available in the US.
Progress was also made in the scary process of enrolling Katherine in a College (high school). So tomorrow I will kick that off properly. Hopefully the secretaries I need to talk to will take the usual kindly approach to my stumbling efforts to make myself understood. Mind you, I'm going to have to do some work on Katherine's stumbling attempts at English... today while making herself some rather delicious looking scrambled eggs she asked me which "utility" she should use to stir it (in French 'tool' is 'outil'). The wierd thing was, I needed Mr B to point out to me that she'd said anything odd at all. Conor quite often translates now word for word from French into English - so he will say "The mum of Enzo told me...." I think we can leave serious work improving their English for a while though.
Delicious warming chicken chasseur tonight, and Mr B has promised to cook tomorrow.
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