Sunrise on Grisedale Pike

Travelled to Keswick yesterday evening for a couple of days with Mum, daughter and family came up from the south, too.
After woke up pulled back the curtains and saw snow on Skiddaw and pink clouds so I threw on my clothes and went out into the frosty garden to take photos. In one direction the golden light was gradually catching Skiddaw and in the other it was on Grisedale Pike and Causey Pike.
Numerous pics were taken as the lit up parts developed and it was a hard choice for a blip but Mr Rat decided to blip Skiddaw so I went for Grisedale Pike.
After breakfast all but Mum walked up Castlehead from where there were excellent views of Derwentwater - a panoramic from daughter gives a good idea.
In the afternoon we went to an excellent production of The Railway Children at the theatre

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