Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles

End of Torry

This is where Torry ends and the North Sea begins. Torry is an area of Aberdeen that used to be fairly rough (not so now), but has a beautiful coastline. It's a shame really that there is a sewage plant right on the coast and as you walk/drive around it absolutely stinks!

I was looking for something about Torry a few minutes before I blipped, but couldn't find it. What I did find however interested me and made me giggle. The reason it's not as rough as it used to be is that lots and lots of Polish people have come to Aberdeen and mostly gone into Torry. It's really brought the area up and nowhere near as much vandalism etc goes on.

Anyway, what I found was this which implies that Torry means "Little Poland" - I'm wondering if it's always meant that or if someone is taking the mickey and trying to be funny??!!

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