a new year!

By Thesalh70

Lady marmalade

Alarm goes off at 6am and 15 mins later I'm out walking pete round the block. Pitch black but really interesting seeing this time in a morning. Folks just coming in from work, folks just going off to work...all under the crisp and crescent moonlight!

Two hours later I'm setting off to work as the sun is rising on what promises to be a beautiful crisp day.

Monday means meetings and lots of them. Wandered out at lunch to pick up some jam jars. Need to do a batch of my grand mariner orange marmalade tonight.

Home by half five and was lovely to be greeted by pete, who'd had an interesting and fun day with mum and ted! Think all 3 will be exhausted!

Dinner done and then made my marmalade. Once done, me and pete went for a walk (him reluctantly!). Already v frosty outside!

Home and nicely snuggled up on the sofa...finally

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