a town called E.

By Eej

For a cat that wants to live life on her terms, who likes to be alone and can only handle attention and fussiness to a certain level, the last few days must have been hell. I'm not ever NOT fussing over Ty, picking her up for a cuddle or to put her in the litterbox, trying to get her to eat or put a syringe with water in her mouth.
Then, to top it all off nicely, today came with a visit to the vet; being in a carrier, in the car, and then being poked and prodded and stung with needles.

It's not surprising she greeted me this afternoon with her tongue sticking out :)

Anyway, she's pumped full of fluids, antibiotics to cure the pancreatitis and hopefully in the next few days we should see improvement. In the meantime, I'm making her tuna with rice as bland as I can muster that she doesn't want but that I WILL make her eat anyway.

I've given up on wishing for the 50mm f1.4 I have been lusting over. Vet bills will do that :)

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