
I took this whilst out posting cards and parked outside the Black Bull - although she actually advertises a bridal shop called Milk
All a bit weird.

After getting in I got a phone call form my mother-in-law asking for a favour (unheard of from her) and most apologetic for asking.
Could I give her a lift into the Western Genral Hospital after lunch?
She had had a bit of a stroke and had lost the use of her left hand so couldn't drive. Her doctor tried getting an appointment at St Johns ( a few minutes away) ...... Friday afternoon.
WTF is that all about ............ there has been a mamoth advertising campaign about the need for speed when it comes to strokes.

So of course we took her in to her appointment at the Western.

Her tests etc were going to take a couple of hours so we headed off for a stroll round some shops and a stop for a coffee. The group of kids in the back were being the usual schoolkids .......... noisy and annoying. They didn't even buy anything ..... just came in and starting being annoying.

After collecting and dropping off the mother-in-law we headed off for diner at Bags.
The kids were in great form and being absolutely delightful.
After bathtime the Cygnet had The Grinch read to him.
The Maurice Brothers seemed to enjoy the story too before they headed up to bed with the Cygnet.

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