To See New Englandly

By distractedhausfrau

Bad Deer Day

I'm afraid this is the best of a mediocre-at-best bunch, today. I was on my way to my photography class when my car started making a demonic screeching sound, as if I'd run over a dozen wire hangers and was dragging them along with me. I stopped and investigated the undercarriage and wheel wells with a flashlight but found nothing.

I did spot these deer, however. You'd think with being on my way to photography class and mentally reviewing what I've learned, I could've taken a better picture. Probably would've helped if I'd remembered last week to look around after class and make sure I took my tripod home with me. Lesson learned.

Bad weather was heading in, it was dusk, I was alone, and I don't always trust my weird-car-sound analysis skills, so I turned around.

Never made it to class :(
Will probably have to wait until next week to fetch the tripod from the lost-and-found bin at the school :(
Not looking forward to mechanic's estimate :((

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