Surrounded by nature ....
... and looking at Mammon
Today I met with my Director, and we agreed for a move to a different combination of duties, but a continuation of employment. Which is good. As the different combination of tasks will allow more of a focus on what I believe I can do best and best do, this will be a positive change for me. It is nice to end the uncertainty engendered by a contract that ends in less than three weeks.
S had been unable to find the bread I like (made by Lewis Road Dairy (!)), which bread has no preservatives etc and is really tasty. Only sold in a few places. So I resolved (on arriving home) that I would run to the nearest (NZ owned) supermarket which sells it. The nearer supermarkets are all part of an Australian conglomerate, and Lewis Road do not sell their bread through the neighbours.
My route there took me through Western Park (blipped recently and therein called Tuna Mau). I was taken by the sight of the Sky Tower through the branches of a number of trees.
Mammon means "wealth regarded as an evil influence, or false object of worship and devotion". The Sky Tower was erected by Sky City casinos to draw attention to the casino, where those who have inordinate wealth use that wealth to evilly influence the poor and needy who in their despair worship at the altar of wealth gained through fortune rather than fortitude. (I note here that the most fortitudinous fortitude will rarely overcome the blocks in front of those who are struggling to maximise their capabilities.) The most evil part of this process is that the poor and needy rarely if ever gain any wealth, and usually lose whatever little they bring with them. The casino owners/share holders do nothing of value, and constantly increase their wealth. And are supported by tax breaks, special deals and the like to take even more wealth from our citizens, and export it to the countries where the owners and shareholders manage to avoid tax, which they did not pay here either.
The sky was brilliantly blue and cloudless, and it is a hot summer night.
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