
By TexMama


last night it snowed!! apparantly it started around 2am (according to the weather man)..but when we woke up everything was white and cold..brrrr! I don't like cold! the schools had a 2 hour delay start but at my house we had a real snow day - who wants to sit inside doing math when there is snow to play in, not my kids that's for sure :0) they sledded down the hill over and over, and only crashed into the barbed wire fence once...not bad. Then they threw snowballs at everything imaginable. They came in mid-morning and lit the fire for me as they thought I might be cold in the house (I was). Then they went back out for some more snow fun. It melted about mid afternoon so then they came in and did a little school work. I did manage to step outside the door, literally, right outside the door, just long enough to snap a few cold pics so here is a not great blip of the cold white stuff that is only nice when you are looking at it out of the window :0)

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