No break in the weather

I couldn't think of anything to blip today, so I went back and photographed the other side of 201's doorway, which continues the Valentine's Day theme.

The rain which was expected to come last night and throughout the day today, to finally wash away all that snow, never materialized.  So there is still snow and mush covering the sidewalks and streets, and unless we have a downpour during the night, I won't be able to get out tomorrow either.  And I need to shop before the next storm hits on Thursday.  This time I'm going to buy lots of everything I can think of, so that I'm better equipped to wait out another long siege.

I heard from Lex that their flight home from Hawaii was delayed by six hours, and they won't be getting in until about 4:30 AM!  I'm hoping that the rain actually did come down in the area of the airport, to make the runways clear for landings.  It will be good to have her home.

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