
By Juleshki

Ok, yes, it's Jakey again!

Look, it almost wasn't Jakey!
It wasn't honest!

I took a fab shot this morning on the drive at 7.09 a.m. to be precise, if you must know, and it was freezing.
And I mean freezing.

Don't know exactly how cold, but very. Probably a lowish number preceded by a minus, most likely.
Got the picture?

Then a short while ago Jakey had one his mad moments and started doing some silly things.
He's doing a lot of them lately, to be honest.
Quite a lot.

So much so, that I'm thinking of having him looked at... by someone who knows why cats do strange things when previously they haven't.

Anyway, after having a mad moment or two, he then took a flying leap at the tall set of drawers in the corner and landed on the top of them, with a bit of a skid, which is pretty clever really in such a small space, and very close to this large vase of flowers.

The vase is very, very heavy and should he knock it off then he could cause varying amounts of damage depending upon what it would land on, should it go over... er, like me, for instance!

Oh, and if these flowers look familiar, then they probably are.
Blipped many times. Usually with Jakey.
And still looking good, eh?!

(They're artificial. Sssshhh.... don't tell anyone...)

And Jakey is now playing out, running off some excess energy chasing squirrels!

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