
By NellieD

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I was registering at a second recruitment agency today and it went really well. It was supposed to be 20 minutes but we ended up talking for over an hour. I've got a good feeling about them and think they could definitely help me in my job search. Apparently there's quite a lot of vacancies coming through at the moment so you never know.

I saw these rules on the side of one of the many building sites in Manchester, apparently drawn up by a local primary school. The protective footwear warning made me smile.

Came home to the good news that the Handlebards theatre dates for 2019 have been released so I've just added two new events to the book club diary. If you like Shakespeare performed on a bicycle powered set, it could be the theatre for you - if you like a little bit of bonkers!

Quote for today:
You're entirely bonkers.
But I'll tell you a secret ... all the best people are.
- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

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