A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

In The City (XXI) - Sun Drenched Streets

Three parts to my blip words today.

First - Mosley Street, Manchester this afternoon. Very cold today but clear skies and bright sun meant gorgeous light for as long as there was light today.

Second - music I've listened to today - Michael Kiwanuka's album Home Again.
First track here - Tell Me A Tale.
A mix of jazz, folk, soul, RnB. Beautiful stuff. Not many duff tracks on the whole album.

Third - you don't have to read this bit. It's probably going to sound a bit morbid and a bit sad. I'm struggling at the mo, and that's because people around me are suffering a lot.
Don't feel obliged to read any more, I really don't mind. And if you do, don't feel obliged to leave a comment. I just felt I should write this down.

Anne's brother-in-law (T) has had difficulty eating solid food for almost four weeks. Tests last week showed a growth in his stomach.
More tests at the end of this week.
It's not the first scare he's had like this; he's been treated for testicular cancer in the past - more than thirty years ago, actually, while still a teenager.
It took him more than a decade to get the all clear. There have been a few other scares along the way, most recently concerns about his prostate, so the encouraging thing is obviously that he's been fighting cancer for more than half his life, and he's still here.
T is the father of a boy aged ten. T's son was the first child to be born in this country as a result of IVF using frozen sperm. T had sperm frozen and stored when he was seventeen and it was then successfully used for IVF more than twenty years later.

Yes, like I said, he's a fighter.
Yes, it's too early to be pessimistic but it's floored almost everyone - Sunday and yesterday were difficult for me.
Looking forward to better news and better days as soon as possible.


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