"Old" things

The company I`m working in is moving to a new office building in few days. First people are starting there at Friday. Most of them at next Monday morning and the rest will be at new premises at Tuesday morning next week.

I was packing my own things today. Most of it makes our "museum". In this picture a part of it. Tools we have used over past 30 years.

Macintosh SE. That was my first machine at this company when I started work at 1987. That Mac was in use at my home till the early years of 2000. It had a superb external SCSI hard drive, size 4 MB. It has the sign of Steven Jobs under the cover.

Toshiba laptop. Those were the tools our reporters were using when traveling around the world. The paper on it is the guide how to send a story from the Summer Olympics in Seoul at 1988. Time before internet but mobility was working with screwdriver...

And anyone remember one of the first mobile telephone in the middle? That was the start of a new era. Mobira NMT (Mobira was afterwoods called Nokia), weight only 5 kilos but a must for important people at 80´s.

The box in front is Finnish made pc called MikroMikko (pc made by Nokia). Widely used at our company from the end of 80´s to middle of 90`s.

Not in this picture but one of the "crown jewel" of the museum is the first pc, Microsoft personal computer with MS dos and the jump button, pushing that button you could change from pc to a terminal of mainframe. And that´s from 80´s.

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