Reception (closed)

Walking to work and back home today - and there was something extraordinary in the air:
- bird singing (few tits and green finches only)
- föhn wind warming the air
Some +5c and snow thawing. Icy parts of the streets very slippery.

A long day ended a long week. As I left work, the front door reception was already closed. There there was beautiful bouquet of flowers, though, so I blipped them..

My daughter came home from Helsinki in the evening for the weekend (still some work to done in her bachelor thesis), and the food news is that she had got a summer job for the next summer. And my son had extremely long day in university (still going on until late night as he came back home).

Heading for a lazy weekend almost all of us... Yes, expect my son, as he has some studies to do - as would my daughter too. My son's girlfriend has been already in a good shape, and tends to go to ballet lessons tomorrow...

Sigh... Weekend. Have fun, all!


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