campervan man

By campervan

Tolaga jetty, the bottom bits

This jetty is 660 metres long. It was opened in 1929 to help transport stuff to and from the eastern top bits of New Zealand. The great crash and subsequent depression greatly reduced this trade and by the time everything recovered the road network had been improved so much it was cheaper to truck stuff. So it did not have a long and productive life.
However, to look on the bright side it does have four benches to sit on at the far end, a very good view all round the bay and, according to local reports is an excellent place to fish from. As there are no barriers at all at the end it would probably be best to stay sober whilst trying to catch the big one.
I am currently writing this on the balcony of tonight's accomodation, overlooking the owners garden. This garden is in the bush, the big trees have been left in place, some areas are grass, and other plants such as a banana and various bamboos have been introduced. As the garden slopes the ground floor you walk into becomes the first floor balcony.
Because of this slope I am sitting next to one of the large trees, but 20 foot up it's trunk, almost into the leaf canopy. The sun is going down, the crickets and birds are singing, everything is delightful. All I am missing is a large cold gin and tonic and a big can of mozzie spray.

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