Crocus Offering

A glorious day here at home!  Free today and will go to work tomorrow.

Finished the Question of Time MOOC ... these things go so fast.  There's a little experiment I'm doing with the MOOC platform, so I signed out then signed in again using my name and email at work as I don't want to ruin my own page in case something goes 'wrong'.  Quite amusing as the course my office name signed up for was 'Understanding Romantic Relationships' ... haha!  A real Valentine course!  AW and I have never celebrated this as we do the same things all the time and it has been one long celebration with some occasional kinks.

Also working on the music for the slide show.  A lot more challenging than one would think as I have to fill a whole hour, but I have a lot of material to work with and a lot of time.  In the meantime, AW has been super busy clearing the backyard of all kinds of things, including seeds from the trees outside.

Opened some work email and how could I not.

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