
By TheBigCheese1

Unhappy and Poorly

The Dopski was due to start running club tonight at school in all her new running kit as modelled on Monday evening. She is so upset that she is poorly and can’t go to school or running club. Thus she wore all her kit to go to Granny’s house instead.

Had a s*#t start to the day, after a 1.5hour round trip to get The Dopski to my mum’s and then on to work. I can’t stand arrogant, self-opiniated parents who have not got a clue how many bullying traits their ‘“little darling” who “never lies” have and indeed are an image of themselves.....ggggrrrrr.

Then the sun shone, The Dadski got home early to take over looking after The Dopski and everything chilled out a bit. Plus tea was cooked when I got home :)))))

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