
By RockNerd

All in the Balance

After a quick jaunt to the coast to see Granny Seaside & Folkie, I returned home to find ‘Appy keen to show me her bike skills.
She’s struggled with pedals, so I took them off yesterday & she’s using it as a balance bike. Mainly in the living room...
But, against the current run of play, she suggested going outside for a go. Although she was clad only in a poncho, skirt & furry boots I wasn’t going to stop her.
Sadly she came a cropper shortly after this snap, & although unhurt, she had to go inside to get undressed as her clothes had touched the ground.
And yes, that is a plaster on her forehead. There’s no injury, she stuck it on for fun two days ago. Unfortunately she stuck it over her eyebrows & it’s too painful to peel off!

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