I did an abstract but...

...when I took the washi tape off, it had pulled off the paper, so I was unable to do the finer detail black lines on the white bits :(

Also where I had used the cheaper gel crayons, they worked beautifully. But where I used the more expensive black gel crayon for some reason it bled under the washi tape, as you can see, so that was me unhappy about that result.

I was going to do another today with different paper, but alas not now. I was washing the pots, and cleaning the inside of a china mug when it suddenly broke and cut my first finger of my right hand near the base of the finger.

I stopped the bleeding and I still had sterile dressings and stuff from when I scalded my hand a couple years ago.

I then rebandaged it to my second finger because I quickly realised I mustn't bend it. Now got a couple pairs fingerless gloves on my right hand so I cannot bend that first finger. It flipping hurts.

I had planned on gardening today...the sun is out today...sigh...

How do I do art work now? I am right handed...

Or is it photography alone this week...

All my china mugs are going in the bin...they are the same age...

At least I can dictate to write stuff down...

Thank you for looking in.
Take care x

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