His Own Joy

AW loves working in the garden, and now that the new shed is in place and the weather is perfect, he's bursting with ideas.  He hurries to realize them all before he changes his mind, and sometimes he changes his mind a tad too quickly and frustrates himself.  Yesterday, he set up some flower boxes for the strawberries (you can see them on the left).  Today, he screwed in some additional supports.  I don't care how he does it as long as he is happy and satisfied.  He also began rearranging the garden tiles on the front side of the shed and that will take a day or two to finish, weather permitting.

I finished Northanger Abbey.  Also some laundry, ironing, supermarket errands, filling up the tank, but nothing much else.  It is fab to sit in the backyard and feel the warmth of the sun and pretend it's almost summer at 22 degrees.  At night, this drops to about 2 degrees, but then, if one is in bed, it doesn't matter very much.

Took another moon shot today.  It's an extra.  I am so pleased I am able to do a better job of it.  So now waiting for the full moon and I hope the skies will be just as clear when it's here.

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