
We're usually last to get a frost here in the South West and I've been jealous of everyone's pretty frost pics but today we got our first proper frost.

Unfortunately we don't get sunlight on the lawn first thing in winter so when I went outside in my pyjamas I had to search for somewhere where there was both frost and sunlight. I am short-sighted and wasn't wearing contact lenses or glasses, was strutting around squinting in boots and PJs and couldn't see what I was doing. I must have looked a right prat. Even sillier that I couldn't tell what I was photographing.
Anyway - it was a better start to the day than depressing myself with online news.

Today would have been Richard's dad's 80th birthday so it's been a sad day. But - as ever - distracted regularly by other family life.

I got the Christmas cards for posting all finished today and started wrapping a few presents, and Tess's school had their Christmas Fair and coffee morning afternoon.

It's not officially winter for 10 days. But I think all the signs show it started today here.

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