
MrR and I have been members of Ramblers Scotland for eight years and today we managed out for our first walk with them...accompanied by The Fangler.

Not all the walks they do are designated suitable for children so that rules us out sometimes. Not all are designated dog friendly...so the old Weim couldn’t come other times. And our local group tends to walk on a Sunday morning and so the walks clash with Church.

Today they were doing Dumyat from Blairlogie. We always go up the same way from Sherrifmuir and I was keen to do the hill from a different side. Today’s walk too was designated “Not suitable for children” but when I contacted the walk leader and asked and then said that he had done The Law and Ben Cleuch last year he came back and said that the wee fella would probably smash this walk and so we should come along and could shadow the group but not officially be part of it...so although we walked with them...we didn’t officially.

Anyway, grateful that he came back with that option and grateful for the new paths and routes we took on a hill we have climbed many times. Grateful too for the company of others on the walk.

As is the norm the shower of rain that came came when we were approaching the summit and it was blowing an absolute hooley up there today...and as we wandered back across a meadow to the cars the sun came out and the day brightened. Such is life...good to get a bit blown about as long as you’re not blown over and we weren’t so all good.

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