Jack’s House

Mrs Smith’s dad made this house many years ago. It’s beautifully constructed and wired throughout with working lights in all the rooms. Rather than let it sit in the garage any longer we are gifting it to a friends little girl who will hopefully have many happy hours playing with it.

The house was one of the many things unearthed in the deep clean of the garage. We have also given away two mobility aids that Mrs Smith’s mum used.

There were also two trips to the recycling centre to remove a whole load of other stuff.

Earlier there had been a mammoth clean up of the dog poo in the garden. Mrs Smith took one half of the garden and I took the other. Not pleasant but as we were feeling grubby we thought the garage could be tackled and the raised beds attacked.

As if that wasn’t enough, Mrs S and Joe then took the dogs for a walk while Eve and I went on an excursion to the supermarket and then the garden centre.

This evening there’s work to be done ahead of tomorrow’s meetings.


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