Waiting To Be Sat On...

A long morning at the yard as China came in from the field being a real tinker, he was in a right state about a new horse and was not settling at all. I decided I would practice some of the techniques I have been using, thinking it would take 15-20 minutes to calm him down...an hour and a half later...everyone had gone home, I was frozen to the bone, but my patience paid off.

Mr Kit had taken Sushi to have an x-ray after the physio had some concerns yesterday about how it wasn’t getting better as quickly as it should have. We all, including the examining Dr, were really surprised when the x-ray seemed to show he may have broken it. We have a follow up appointment at the children’s orthopaedic unit on Wednesday so hopefully they’ll be able to confirm how serious it is.

Under the circumstances, I felt I should go and help Sushi when he went this afternoon to muck out some horses in the village as the owners were away and it was money for his India trip fund. I found this rather cute bench tucked away waiting to be sat on.

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