Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Out in the wild south west

I went to photograph a company who design experiences.

Notably the Dr Who Experience in Cardiff amongst many others.

I got to meet and photograph a Dalek.

I also talked to an 'old school' model maker in his massive studio. He was designing models of a new gaol experience (somewhere to leave your kids for half term).

It was great to smell modelling glue again and see drawing boards and rulers.

Interestingly enough, he told me there was a team of camera shy digital designers next door making computerised 3D visuals of the same set. But when it came to the set builders they weren't interested in the computer rendering, they just took his model and got on with it!

There were interesting conversations all round today. Ross, the boss remarked on how little professional camera had moved on in the last 50 years. I tried to argue, but he had a point. He also told me about very accurate virtual humans being designed to replace fashion models. Removing the need to pay model, photographer or studio fees. Just the person behind the computer screen.


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