Sauna & Winter-swimming evening

Sauna in the countryside again. Well heated. Wonderful to dip into Ice Cold Water +1,4c. Windy evening +3c, so the air was warmer than the lake!

The yard of the sauna was in a very good condition, well sanded. My husband had driven near to the sauna front door to pick me up... Actually he had come out of the sand area by car. Or his side of the there was sand on the ice, but on my side of the car there was not.
However I decided to try to get into the car....

I did not make it.

Instead I slipped to my bottom and slided a little under the car.

How hard it can be to get up, back on your feet again.

I should have woren my Ice-Bugs... How stupid that I tried to cope with normal winter shoes... !


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