
So we were at Tate Modern on the viewing platform (trying not to look into them adjacent apartments in the block with all the floor-to-ceiling windows, the ones that are so 'glass' that you can't really help but look in anyway, d'oh...) and we noticed that there were a couple of what we assumed were window cleaners hanging off the side of the Really Tall Building in front of us. And then spotted that were a couple more actually perched right on the very top - you can just make them out. I then had to try and visualize this building alongside El Capitan in Yosemite and try and compare the two to answer questions from my girls about Alex Honnold and his famous free solo climb of the latter. I've since found out that this Really Tall Building is *only* about 600 feet tall, which is around the height that Alex came down from after his first attempt, that one that he just seemingly shimmied up before deciding it didn't feel right and he'd rather do it another day. Shudder. And El Capitan is actually around five times higher than that of The Vase - as I've since seen it referred to as. Shudder once more.

"Tall, tall, tall, I wanna be tall, tall, tall"

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