
Good night’s sleep and a lie in, then after breakfast we had another little wander around Dunkeld before heading to Perth.
There was a really lovely dress there that seemed to be just what she’d described and really suited her, but once again very hard as she actually suited everything! Very nice shop and helpful woman there to help.
When we came out of the shop we had a call to say V had just died....A’s grandmother.....who had been failing mentally for some time and in a care home these last 18 months. Bit of a blessing really but nevertheless sad that all that’s she’s been has now ended. She was a very involved and loving ‘Nanny’ when the children were young and loved them towering above her and lifting her up to hug her in later years. I phoned the boys to let them know then we headed back to Edinburgh.
Decided to go to the more off the shelf place in Ocean Terminal. She tried two very different ones on....this very sleek and fitting one and a great big princess one. Talk about contrasts!
All out of brain space for more decisions we headed to a pub for big burgers and talk about venues and their friends’ weddings.
Dropped them at the airport then A and I came home....the C’s were here and we chatted about V and flat refurb and university choices as they’re here looking at Edinburgh and St Andrews for child number 2!

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