
By mollymay49

The corner of the room

Here lies a story:
 My camera appears to have been on the wrong settings the whole day, don't you just hate that?! 
We had a lovely day in East Perth too, but i just couldn't post any of the pictures i took.
Instead while i was still fiddling to set my camera right again, i took this one for a test, so here is my 'test' blip. The corner of Sara's front room, The Stormy Mills pic seems to look about right? he is a friend of theirs who started his career as a street artist, he has now made it a bit further up the ladder with being offered commissioned work now also scenery for film sets, he has painted in similar fashion the bare concrete walls of a few government buildings too, we see his art almost everywhere now, easily recognisable. 
Three more sleeps at our Daughters place then it will be home to stay for me!, i have popped in and out of home for the last few days, but it will be nice to get home, no place like it, although i have enjoyed looking after the boys, i am trying to get a blip of them before the weeks out, not easy these days the ages they are. 
Glad my camera is back to its normal settings now.

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