Yesterdays gone.
A sunset yes, but it's yesterday's. Why? Because in trying to transfer today's photos to my tablet,, the fin lot disappeared, and I have no idea how or why. The camera was playing up today, but the shots were all there.
Update. Managed to access a shot from Sue's phone. Look carefully and you'll spot the moon.
Today we went on an ATM hunt - successful, and a trip to My Son, an ancient religious site, which turned out to be a group of Hindu temples, or the ruins thereof. Dating from the 4th century BC as bamboo structures and from the 8th century until the 14th century, as brick built structures. Not clear what happened to make the Hindus move on, but the temples fell into disuse and ruin.
Rediscovered in the 19th century by some French colonialists, they have been unearthed and are being restored under a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE programme, with much help and presence of the Indian government .
It's full moon time and as tradition here has it, hundreds of floating candle paper boats are being released on the local river presenting a superb opportunity for the thousand of tourists to spend more of their dosh supporting the willing boatmen and floating candle holder makers, much Dong changing hands.
Now then, who needs photos with a blether like this to help you conjure up your own mental vision.
Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.
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