Devil's Punchbowl, Watendlath

The forecast was for drier weather this morning than this afternoon (which turned out correct), so we headed off to Watendlath this morning and then retreated back to LPH for more Photoshop training after lunch.

The main blip is of the Devil's Punchbowl waterfall. Taking it was interesting - I used my fisheye lens, with the camera on the tripod - but I used the tripod as a long handheld beam so that I could hold the camera out over the water (like a long selfie-stick in a way). It's been edited in Photoshop using some of the techniques which John has been teaching us - although at this evening's critique session he kindly showed me where I could have done better. I'm glad that they say that making mistakes is the best way to learn!

Before this evening's session we had yet another of Deb's lovely meals. At risk of boring you about this, the extra is my sticky toffee pudding - simply delicious!! I just HAD to have seconds, but I could only manage half a piece at that stage. Happily there's plenty left for the next 2 days! (Blipper riversider may be a tad jealous when he sees this...sorry!)

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