Ghost Moon
To Mora today to collect my renewed computer.
The moon rose, majestically, as we drove back, then disappeared behind clouds. I thought how great it would be if it reappeared above Évora Monte, and lo and behold, it did! More difficult was trying to photograph it, with lorries thundering past on a narrow, pot-holed road. By the time I'd decided it was worth extracting my tripod and trying to assemble it in the dark on the inclined road, the moon had risen above the castle, so I've gone for this one, despite the quality and extra moon (where's a proper photographer when I need one?) because at least it'll remind me how thrilled I was to see the moon as it appeared behind the castle. (An extra of Évora Monte, as we drove past it earlier.)
We got back just in time for a quick snack at Sr Zé's before going straight to the catechism class at 21h. And then a fair bit of resetting of the computer, and now it's gone 1am, and I need my bed...
- having my laptop back, and Vítor's kindness in fixing (and cleaning) it, and being able to use my camera again
- soup and toasties at Afonso's in Mora, what a great place
- picking a big bunch of asparagus together this morning to take to Bia, that no-one had taken it, and that we had something to give from the Land, and how beautifully sparkly the Land was after yesterday's rain
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