Return to the North

By Viking

What is family?

My plans for today were fairly fluid so when I realised that I had my NTS card I checked up to see what was close to visit. Culloden was closest. I hadn’t been to Culloden for over 20 years so was mightily impressed with the newer visitor centre and the information about the battle.

Each time I have visited I have contemplated what it means to belong to a family. Who is and isn’t family? What do we do and not do for family? I am up here in the Highlands visiting people who I am not related to at all but who have always treated me like family. I have my own immediate and extended family who I have become increasingly closer to as the years pass. Today I visited what I consider to be other members of my family. The dead at Culloden.
My father was a Scot. His fathers side of the family is from an old Scottish / Irish name (and place) but his mother was a Stewart. The Stewart’s fought and died at Culloden. Today I honoured their sacrifice to save a nation and a tradition.
As an outside I also came away with Jamie Fraser posters, diary, mug and calendar ( one for the Cross stitch / Outlander fans :-)))

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