Monday Sunrise

Left the house that early, yes, to be sure I wouldn't get caught in too much traffic.  This was shot on my walk to school.  Took a total of 15 shots.  Asked AW to help me choose.  His choice is today's extra.

So ... went to work, worked, went back home.  A full day but not as stressful as I feared it would be.  Fully occupied from 09.00 to 16.00.  In the evening, watched the next episode of Death in Paradise -- so glad Florence got better and they caught their guy, but she left and I find that such a let down ... just when we had gotten so used to her.  Aside from that, a new MOOC started today -- The Lottery of Birth.  It's a 4-week course but I think I'll manage to get it done completely by Sunday.

After this week, we'll have a spring break of a week ... looking forward to that!

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