Side by side
I was itching to get up on the allotment this morning, so filled my flask, wrapped myself up with an extra layer as there was a bit of a nip in the air and headed off on foot as the site is up around the corner from our house. As I was walking up I thought about what a good friend had messaged me when I posted a pic from my patch, - "You are neighbor to my Grandparents and Great grandparents, I like that". So I took a sharp left before the allotment site entrance and walked up through the cemetery. I did'nt look for her relations graves but thought how it was a lovely place to end up. The sun was just breaking through, the birdsong was glorious, & it was peaceful, that was until the farm contractor tractor & trailer came roaring down the road. He's been going to & fro past the house for the past two days every 20- 30 minutes. I'm not sure what his load is but there sure is plenty of it. I might just have to follow him if hes about again tomorrow. I first saw him at 8am and spotted him out of our kitchen window just after 6pm this evening. If he's paid per load he's earned some money today.
Very chilly wind on the plot, but managed to clear some more weeds plus the dreaded bindweed. Will have to burn it once it's dried out. Still a bit more to do before i plant the fruit bushes. Richard, a fellow allotmentee came across for a chat and very generously gave me 5 lovely leeks that he had just pulled, so they will be on the menu later in the week. We were talking abut the local council taking back some of the allotment site to extend the cemetery .. I remarked "the new piece of cemetery just over the fence is planted up already" which I suppose it is.
More work on Mum's curtains, hopefully have them all completed tomorrow, but will spend another couple of hours on the allotment first thing if the weather is kind.
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