High tide and kayakers

I had an appointment with the Rheumatology Consultant at the hospital in Dingwall. All ok , keeping on the same injections at the moment and had some x rays of my feet and hands to see how they are doing .
We just about had enough time to go to Ferry Point before hand.The tide was very high and still coming in.Several kayaks were on the banks so I was hoping they were going to launch before we had to go.Mike spoke to one of them later and she said they were waiting for the tide to start going out as it would help them on their row to Cromarty, which is quite a distance.They had also sent a couple of cars over to pick them Up afterwards and were waiting for one of the cars to return so they could set off together.
Went to Redcastle on the way back and the water was almost lapping over the road. The long piece of land that juts out into the water was nearly covered completely so the oystercatchers were all huddled together on what remained. We saw a lovely bank of snowdrops as we drove down.
Mike was off to Aberdeen in the afternoon to see a talk by Brian Cox about space and the Universe.I did not want to go , as although I like space etc I think I would have got last after the first paragraph ! I watched Shetland instead :)

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