Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Staying In

I wanted to capture the beauty of Christmas lights; all throughout our neighborhood houses are decorated, but as I stepped outside I realized that no one had yet turned them on, and I knew also that if the darkness increased very much, I'd not get a good photo (not that this is a good photo).

So as I stood on the sidewalk looking around, I decided that even though our home is not decorated on the outside, the inside is filled with lights and I turned my focus toward home. The lack of natural light outside does nothing for the attractiveness of the place, but oh well.

I really like the gables on our house; I think they'd look terrific lined in lights, just clear bulbs, not Christmasy lights, and I'd like to keep them on the house all year, however we really could use to have the trim of the house painted first. Permanent lights outlining the house, is quite appealing to me. Until the painting happens, we've held off on that.

Tonight, it is just good to be home with NO STUDENT PAPERS to GRADE!!! I do, though, need to add all the scores for the four classes and submit the semester grades. I won't submit them till late Friday afternoon or Saturday morning so that the unhappy students will have all weekend to stew about their unfortunate grade and maybe come to their senses and realize their grade is what they earned and not run complaining to the chairperson of the English Department or the Dean. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh! Many of them think they should be graded on their effort and their time, not on what they produced. I explain over and over that I cannot grade their effort, nor their time. The immature students just don't get that thought.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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